Saturday, September 18, 2010

"Saturday is a Special Day!"

:D :D :D
Today is our Sabbath! This schedule is still throwing me off...I keep thinking it's Sunday...weird. Okay, today was just fantastic. :) Church was awesome! After church, some of us walked over to the Garden of Gethsemane and spent some time there, which is always a cool experience.

Also, this is the flyer on the field trip board today. WE’RE GOING TO EGYPT!!!!!!! In 7 hours!!!! Holy Hannah, I am so excited! 8 days of driving in a bus, flying in a plane, or sleeping on a train to see the pyramids and the Valley of the Kings, ride a camel, and have a blast! Plus, no class for 8 days! I am really excited. Well, better get to bed! Sorry this is so short. The internet is being difficult...I'll post more when I get home! Hope everyone is doing well! (and I hope those of you that are watching the BYU game are ok...cough*Jo!) Love you all! :)  


  1. Jealousy, I wanna go to Egypt! Good heavens! What an awesome opportunity for you megan. I'm so glad you decided to get to Israel!

  2. Your short entries are great. Keep trying to post, but enjoy Egypt!
